March 2023, Issue 3 (825)
Sławomir Samek, Marcin Lizer
Activity of CIGRE and PKWSE (CIGRE Poland)
CIGRE Session 2022
Mariusz Mazur
Rotating electrical machines – Study Committee A1
Aleksandra Rakowska
Insulated cables – Study Committee B1
Krzysztof Lenarczyk
Overhead Lines – Study Committee B2
Sławomir Samek
Substations and electrical installations – Study Committee B3
Krzysztof Madajewski
DC systems and power electronics – Study Committee B4
Maksymilian Przygrodzki
System Development and Economics – Study Committee C1
Michał Izdebski
System Operation and Control – Study Committee C2
Marta Sacha
Selected environmental aspects presented within the Study Committee C3 session
Piotr Rzepka
Power System Technical Performance – Study Committee C4
Jan Smoter
Distributed energy sources and active distribution networks – Study Committee C6
Marcin Szewczyk
Materials and Emerging Test Techniques – Study Committee D1
Jan Piotrowski
Information systems and telecommunications – Study Committee D2
Full access to issue no. 3/2023 of “Energetyka”
Sławomir Samek, Marcin Lizer
Activity of CIGRE and PKWSE (CIGRE Poland). CIGRE Session 2022
Presented are basic informations about the International Council on Large Electric Systems CIGRE. Closer look is given to the organizational structure and the most important aims of its activities. Discussed is the course of the first, after the total closure of direct contacts because of pandemia, CIGRE Plenary Session which was held in a hybrid way enabling gradual return to the traditional form of meetings and discussions with a simultaneous maintaining the possibility, for persons from areas being under increased rigours concerning free movement, to take part in all events by electronic means of communication. The Session took place in Paris from August 28th to September 2nd, 2022. There were registered more than 3600 delegates to participate in the Conference from which 2460 were present in Paris (31 and 22 respectively from Poland). The Session was accompanied by a technical exhibition where 280 companies presented their products and services. Unfortunately, there were no representatives from Poland. Moreover, in the article discussed are basic aspects connected with the current Polish activity in CIGRE works as well as the Polish accents during the 2022 Session including papers prepared by the members of PKWSE. Described are also benefits resulting from belonging to CIGRE and the way in which those willing can apply for memebership in this organisation.
Keywords: CIGRE, CIGRE Polska, PKWSE (Polish Committee of Large Electric Systems), 2022 Session
Mariusz Mazur
Rotating electrical machines – Study Committee A1
Discussed are here the papers that were presented within the scope of Study Committee A1 during the Paris session of CIGRE 2022. The papers were formally divided into three groups of preferential subjects in which there was described the current situation in the power industry referring to the development of renewable and distributed energy sectors including problems generated by this process. Observed is a great interest in data processing algorithms for better diagnostics and maintenance of machinery. Shown are studies on big synchronous units e.g. for nuclear installations. Interesting was the thematics raised in two papers and referring to the shaft torsional vibrations. Discussed is the experience of the Italian DSO in implementation of the area system for damping inter-area oscillations occurring in the system. Given are conclusions contained in presented papers and assessed is their practical value.
Keywords: rotating electrical machines, shaft torsional vibrations, renewable and distributed energy generation
Aleksandra Rakowska
Insulated cables – Study Committee B1
Characterized is the thematics addressed in the papers of the Study Committee B1 (SC B1) CIGRE – Insulated Cables and concerning land and submarine power cables, accessories and cable lines. In the group PS1 Learning from experience the works were conducted in the fields of design, production, installation technologies, operation, quality, monitoring, technical condition assessment, diagnostic tests, faults/defects location, modernization, management, procedures to obtain permits for new cable investments and so on. The main issues in the group PS2 Future functionalities and applications were innovative cables and systems, role of and requirements for power cables in future power networks as well as the future influence of Internet of Things, Big Data and Industry 4.0 on power cables systems. The third group of articles connected with PS3 Towards Sustainability was dedicated to such issues like environmental challenges having influence on the present and planned cable systems, safety reasons, cyber and physical security and also initiatives promoting access to affordable, reliable and sustainable distribution and transmission cable lines.
Keywords: land and submarine power cables, accessories, distribution and transmission cable lines, cable investments
Krzysztof Lenarczyk
Overhead Lines – Study Committee B2
Study Committee B2 covers the design, construction and operation of overhead lines. This includes mechanical and electrical design, validation of new line components (conductors, ground wires, insulators, accessories, structures and their foundations), assessment of aged line components, line operation, line refurbishment (upgrading and uprating of existing overhead lines). Discussed are papers dedicated to overhead lines and concerning innovative designs and materials, compact lines, transmission losses, health index, remaining life, degradation mechanisms and dynamic line rating (DLR).
Keywords: overhead power lines, public acceptance of overhead lines, compact lines, operation, line rating
Sławomir Samek
Substations and electrical installations – Study Committee B3
Presented are issues prepared in the form of papers and discussed during Technical Session of the Study Committee B3 Substations and electrical installations. Special attention was paid to building and maintaining proper relationships between energy industry and natural environment including promotion of technologies which are neutral or even supporting the natural environment like SF6 free solutions, vacuum technology for HV circuit-breakers and application of synthetic air or fluoronitrile compounds in gas-insulated switchgears. Worth noting are also modern information technologies supporting the process of creation and operation of power facilities. Mentioned is also three-dimensional modelling enabling at the designing stage to foresee all events that can occur during building and operation and then manage them effectively as well as three-dimensional printing that helps quickly and quite cheap to produce spare parts for equipment and various devices. A distinct area of issues is the proper attitude to maintenance and repair works. Observed is a strong preference for interventions resulting from the actual state of an element in place of previously applied routine inspections carried out at regular intervals. Given are informations concerning security of people working in the immediate vicinity of active elements and in the area of the EMF impact.
Keywords: substation, digital station, battery storages, renewable energy sources, carbon footprint, digital twin, BIM, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity
Krzysztof Madajewski
DC systems and power electronics – Study Committee B4
Indicated are specific topics presented within the scope of preferential subjects. Discussed are papers selected from among 67 presented as part of the B4 CIGRE Study Committee “Power Electronics and DC Systems” that, apart from presenting innovative solutions, are or will be important for the national power industry. High-power power electronics is currently an extremely fast-growing sphere throughout the world. This is due to both the need of the dynamically developing renewable generation and changes in transmission of high power over long distances where the use of HVDC systems is sought. An important place in the papers is occupied by Grid-Forming Control and short-circuit clearing strategies in DC circuits of VSC HVDC systems. At the same time, the development of DC solutions in distribution networks and FACTS systems in AC transmission networks is visible.
Keywords: high-power power electronics, Grid-Forming Control, short-circuit clearing strategies
Maksymilian Przygrodzki
System Development and Economics – Study Committee C1
The aim of the Study Committee C1 is a survey on methods of economic and system analysis important for a power system development as well as providing aid to power companies in finding the best solutions in the changing, competitive and market conditions of functionning of the whole energy supply system together with taking into account the environmental aspects. During the CIGRE 2022 Session there were formulated three preferential subjects within the scope of the Committee: formation of a transmission system resilience and including it into the network resources management process, integration of the energy sector and dealing with complexity of a network multiaspect designing as well as planning in conditions of uncertainty and with the changing external constraints. Committee C1, in accordance with its mission, supports power system planners throughout the world in creation of the best possible plans in the changing energy environment that comprises amplified participation of renewable sources and distributed generation and also an increased social uncertainty, environmental expectations and regulatory frameworks.
Keywords: transmission system resilience, energy sector integration, complexity of a network multiaspect designing, planning in conditions of uncertainty and external constraints
Michał Izdebski
System Operation and Control – Study Committee C2
Discussed are papers prepared for the CIGRE 2022 session as part of the Study Committee C2 System Operation and Control. Presented papers and discussions that took place during the session focused on the issues concerning preparedness of the control room for present challenges as well as on the issues of operational planning strategy, its methodology and supporting tools.
Keywords: power system inertia, WAMS, PMU, PDC, RTDS, HVDC, machine learning, artificial intelligence, inter-area oscillations, control room operator training
Marta Sacha
Selected environmental aspects presented within the Study Committee C3 session
Given is a short characteristics of selected papers prepared for CIGRE session that took place in Paris within the Study Committee C3 – Power System Environmental Performance. Among the issues proposed and discussed within the Committee C3 the biggest interest attracted the ones connected with the topic “Setting Ambitious Climate Strategies in the Energy Sector”.
Keywords: CIGRE, natural environment, biodiversity, bioinspiration, power line impact on birds
Piotr Rzepka
Power System Technical Performance – Study Committee C4
The area of the Study Committee C4 activity is very wide and concerns occurrences, methodologies and tools to analyse various issues referring to a power system functioning including power quality performance, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), power system dynamics, lightnings and insulation co-ordination. Three preferential subjects were selected by the Committee C4 for the CIGRE Session 2022 in Paris. They were: PS1 – Challenges and achievements in the power quality (PQ) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), PS2 – Challenges and achievements in insulation co-ordination and in research of lightnings, PS3 – Challenges and achievements in power system dynamics. From among all submitted publications only 59 were accepted to be presented during the CIGRE Session. Depicted are characteristics of these papers.
Keywords: electric power quality, electromagnetic compatibility, lightnings, insulation co-ordination
Jan Smoter
Distributed energy sources and active distribution networks – Study Committee C6
This Committee deals with problems concerning development and operation of LV and MV power networks. Taken into account is controllability of active elements which, working in a coordinated manner, support a power network. These active elements include distributed energy resources (DER), battery energy storage systems (BESS) and electric vehicles (EV). Also residental consumers are considered to be the active objects that can be used to shape the daily demand profile (DSR). Another area of interest of the SC C6 is the electrification of rural areas, autonomously operating microgrids and development of network management systems ensuring effective integration of distributed resources DER. Presented are here the topics of 52 papers submitted to three preferential subjects within the scope of SC C6 activity.
Keywords: LV and MV power networks, distributed energy resources, energy storages, electric vehicles
Marcin Szewczyk
Materials and Emerging Test Techniques – Study Committee D1
Discussed are selected papers from among 55 presented as part of the Study Committee D1 – Materials and Emerging Test Techniques during the CIGRE 2022 Session. The papers were focused on three leading topics: PS1 – Testing, Monitoring and Diagnostics of Power Equipment, PS2 – Materials for Electrotechnical Applications, PS3 – Simulation Tools with Measurement Techniques. The Study Committee D1 is a platform for international exchange of information and studies in the field of materials and diagnostic techniques of power equipment, enabling the development of new materials and techniques as well as elaboration of new recommendations and guidelines for the design, operation, and maintenance of these devices.
Keywords: diagnostics and monitoring of power equipment, testing of insulation materials for electrotechnical purposes, simulation tools supporting measurement techniques
Jan Piotrowski
Information systems and telecommunications – Study Committee D2
Given here are informations about main directions of information and telecommunication systems development in the power industry basing on papers presented during the CIGRE 2022 Session and the later discussion opened for all delegates. The main message of these meetings was to show how would be realised the support for the elastic work of power systems on the part of information and telecommunication structures.
Keywords: information technologies, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, machine learning, robotics, cybersecurity, software defined networks