General guidelines for authors
- Our Editorial Office accepts for publication original works only, not published earlier in other periodicals or in any conference materials (i.e. prepared for conferences, symposiums etc.) except articles ordered by the Office. An article should be the original work of an Author (Authors) who takes full responsibility for all agreements concerning the rights to submit the article to publication. The article should not be offered for publication to any other journal and if so, the author is obliged to notify our Editiorial Office of this fact.
- Authors of materials delivered for publication in Energetyka are responsible for obeying the Authors Law – contents of the work as well as all included illustations or tables should belong to Authors’ own scientific attainments. In case of quoting fragments of other works it must be done in accordance with general quoting rules, indicating the source of the quote.
- All technical articles are subject to peer review which process screens them for merit prior to acceptance or rejection for publication. The text can be published only on condition of getting an approval from our Editorial Board and the decision is taken after getting acquainted with an opinion of the reviewer. Reviewers are the members of Energetyka Advisory Board.
- Authors should provide our Office with exact addresses of their workplaces, telephone numbers and email addresses
- Submitted material will not be returned to the author unless specifically requested. Editorial Office reserves for itself the right to abridge articles and introduce changes of editorial character as well as to prepare abstracts if not submitted. Editorial Office does not take responsibility for ads’ content.
- Transfer of the author’s rights to the Publisher will take place with the moment of submitting materials to the Editorial Office. From then on the Publisher will have the right to make use of the work, take decisions concerning it, copy it using various methods (including the electronic ones) and distribute it through all available channels.
- All measurements should be expressed in SI units in compliance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers from November 30, 2006 (Journal of Laws, No. 225, item 1638) concerning the system of legal units of measurement in Poland. Names and denotations of units of measure must not contain any additional words, indicators or letters, except the ones determined in the Resolution.
Detailed guidelines for authors
- The size of an article cannot exceed 18 typescript pages including drawings and tables.
- Editorial Office should be submitted with files edited in Word and accompanied by a printed version that will be treated as the original text.
- The title should be concise and informative, accurately indicating the content of the article. Intertitles must play exactly the same role for each part of the text – they should not be numbered.
- Formulae can be an element of the text. You should then use Microsoft Equation program with standard settings. Formulae should start on a new line and be numbered successively.
- Drawings must be prepared in format acceptable for Word. Drawings and tables should be placed in the text together with titles and numbering, with specification of titles of drawings and tables submitted on a separate sheet of paper. A photograph should be scanned and put in the text as a succesive drawing. In case of scanning illustrations from books or magazines, their original copies should be sent to Editorial Office (to be returned back). Data tables should be simple and easily understandable.
- Supplements or clarifying annotations for the basic text ought to be placed in the lower part of the page containing the text they relate to.
- In the list of references placed at the end of an article, bibliographic sources should be quoted (numbered with successive Arabic numerals in square brackets) put in the same sequence as they appear in the text. References ought to include:
– for books: last name of the author, initial letter of his/her first name, title, name of the publisher, place and year of issue
– for magazines: last name of the author, initial letter of his/her first name, title of the article, title of the magazine, year and issue number, number of the page the quotation was taken from - References that are not quoted in the text of article will be removed from the list
- Every article submitted must be accompanied by an abstract in Polish and English. In case they are not, Editorial Office reserves for itself the right to prepare them in the author’s name.
- After the article is published, the author will be sent one free author’s copy of the magazine containing the article.
- Materials for publication ought to be sent to the postal or electronic address of our Editorial Office.