September 2023, Issue 9 (831)




Report from the 2nd Energopomiar Conference “Energy transformation in practice”

Magdalena Skrzyńska, Patrycja Żupa-Marczuk
Adaptation to climate change in view of the EU Taxonomy

Magdalena Skrzyńska
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report as the latest source of information on climate change


Rudolf Głowocz, Michał Rzeźniczek
The APZplus automatic device is designed to work in any switchboard systems, performing quick switching

Radosław Gwardecki
Shell Diala – effective protection of oil-filled transformers

Ryszard Bartnik
Comparative thermodynamic and economic analysis carried for a conventional gas-steam power plant and a modified gas-steam power plant


Stefan Gierlotka
Power engineering in Kolumbia


Bogumił Dudek
Are we all electricians?



Magdalena Skrzyńska, Patrycja Żupa-Marczuk
Adaptation to climate change in view of the EU Taxonomy
The EU Taxonomy is a mechanism to determine whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable. The article aims to highlight aspects related to testing compliance with the EU taxonomy as regards adaptation to climate change. Particulate attention is drawn to important and often problematic technical issues that occur during the compliance assessment process. The article provides a description of conditions of the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) principle for Objective 2 and presents an overview of problems related to climate risk analysis and risk vulnerability. Moreover, the article outlines issues relevant to the assessment of the principle of significant contribution to climate change adaptation, i.e., for Objective 2.

Magdalena Skrzyńska

The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report as the latest source of information on climate change
According to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, air temperature has increased by 1.1oC compared to the pre-industrial period and extreme weather events have become more frequent. The main purpose of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is to provide objective science-based information on climate change, its effects and potential adaptation and also mitigation measures addressed to authorities and the society. In particular, the Report presents ways to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The possibilities and effective methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit the air temperature rise are also identified. Changes in various sectors of economic activity and an increase in funding for mitigation and adaptation to climate change are necessary to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Ryszard Bartnik

Comparative thermodynamic and economic analysis carried for a conventional gas-steam power plant and a modified gas-steam power plant
Presented are comparative thermodynamic and economic analyses carried out for a conventional gas-steam power plant and a modified one. The analysed gas-steam technology in comparison with the gas-gas one is more efficient in electric energy generation but also higher is the investment expenditure on it. Nevertheless, thanks to higher efficiency we can expect that it will not translate into a bigger unit cost of electricity generation in power plants of this type in comparison with the ones based on the gas-gas technology.

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