July 2022, Issue 7 (817)



Herbert Leopold Gabryś
Power industry in Poland 2022 … from results and challenges of the year 2021


Olaf Stolzenburg, Andrzej Kolonko
Application of liquid soils in energy cables laying



Andrzej Rozwadowski
Research on the chemical composition of coal and biomass ashes in terms of their use as a mineral fertilizer and the content of ecotoxic elements



Bogdan Zając, Grzegorz Olszewski, Marcin Kowal, Marcin Konior
Sealed radiation sources used in NDT produced by POLATOM NCBJ Radioisotope Center



Efektywność energetyczna i ekologiczna.
Poradnik metodyczny w zakresie analiz termodynamicznych i termoekologicznych
Autorzy: Andrzej Ziębik, Wojciech Stanek, Marcin Szega


35. Międzynarodowe Energetyczne Targi Bielskie ENERGETAB®2022
odbędą się w dniach 13-15 września 2022 364



X Katowickie Dni Elektryki pod patronatem medialnym Energetyki



Bogumił Dudek
Prace pod napięciem na ICOLIM’2020 w Turynie z dwuletnim poślizgiem pandemicznym





Herbert Leopold Gabryś
Power industry in Poland 2022 … from results and challenges of the year 2021
The first half of 2022 in terms of the scale of problems concerning the widely understood energy security encourages us to reflect on reasonability of the EU’s climate/energy policy. Most of all on the pace of changes but also on challenges referring to the FIT FOR 55 package of proposals. Given are data characterising generation in the public thermal power plants basing on hardcoal and lignite. Emphasised is that without the revenues from the fulfilment of Power Purchase Agreements these power plants would report losses. Presented are also some observations concerning the results achieved by CHPs, hydropower plants and wind farms. Pointed out is that the number of new PV installations increased by almost 400 thousands. Bigger sale of electricity coming from bigger generation and at higher prices gave significantly better – than in the year 2020 – financial results of the electroenergy sector in Poland. The overall result of energy-related activities of the energy sector achieved in 2020 is almost four times bigger than the one in the previous year. The last year brought the warning – never forget the energy security of the country hoping that the energy and fuels supplies from outside are stable and it will last so till the end of time.
Keywords: energy-related activities of the energy sector in 2020, financial results of electroenergy sector in Poland, energy security


Olaf Stolzenburg, Andrzej Kolonko
Application of liquid soils in energy cables laying
Failure rate of underground cable lines is influenced by many factors but the one which takes the first place in Poland is a relatively low quality of the cable laying process. But this quality can be improved in different ways. The latest solution is to make use of the patented technology of thermally stabilising liquid soil (PG-ST) of original name RSS® Flüssigboden TS. Presented is the method and the positive influence of the liquid soil on environment and climate. Described is the mechanism of heat dissipation in the liquid soil and alternative material solutions for the thermally stabilising liquid soil.
Keywords: energy cables, laying method, thermally stabilising liquid soil technology


Andrzej Rozwadowski
Research on the chemical composition of coal and biomass ashes in terms of their use as a mineral fertilizer and the content of ecotoxic elements
The article compares the chemical compositions of 11 ashes obtained in laboratory conditions from various types of coal, plant biomass and waste paper. Based on this comparison, the possibility of utilizing these ashes in agriculture as mineral fertilizers was assessed. The environmental burden with ecotoxic elements, which were deposited in the ash during the combustion of these fuels, was also assessed. Research has shown that ashes from biomass, thanks to the high content of phosphorus and potassium, can be used in agriculture as cheap, multi-component mineral fertilizers. Comparing their chemical compositions with those of commercial mineral fertilizers, it can be concluded that they are sufficiently rich in nutrients and free from excessive amounts of harmful elements. Research conducted to compare the emissions to the environment of ecotoxic elements has shown that when burning biomass fuels, they generally deposit less harmful elements in the ash than solid fossil fuels. However, there were cases of biomass fuels for which the mass of all ecotoxic elements deposited in the ash was small, but in the case of individual elements it was clearly higher than for coal fuels. In such situations, the substitution of coal fuel with biomass fuel is problematic.
Keywords: coal, biomass, ash, mineral fertilizer, ecotoxic elements


Bogdan Zając, Grzegorz Olszewski, Marcin Kowal, Marcin Konior
Sealed radiation sources used in NDT produced by POLATOM NCBJ Radioisotope Center
The paper presents the general production scope of the POLATOM NCBJ Radioisotope Center, with particular emphasis on the production of sealed isotope sources. The types of capsules, the method of their production and filling are discussed. Some problems that arise during the production and operation of sealed sources are also discussed.
Keywords: sealed radiation sources; isotope projector, POLATOM

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