October 2022, Issue 10 (820)



Karolina Kochanowska, Maksymilian Przygrodzki
The long-term analysis of energy mix scenarios against the background of renewable energy sources development



Lucyna Więcław–Solny, Jarosław Zuwała, Henryk Majchrzak
CO2 capture in power and chemical industry and its further use
– an important theme of the World Energy Council Conference 2022

Ludwik Kosyrczyk, Michał Rejdak, Dariusz Pietrzyk
An innovative renovation of the coke oven battery heating walls heads with the use of amorphous silica

Lucyna Więcław–Solny, Aleksander Krótki, Tomasz Spietz
Biogas as a source of biomethane – the studies on biogas separation process using the pressure swing adsorption method (PSA)



Jarosław Wiater
Problems with surge protection of electrical and electronic devices equipped with SPD and aged on a schedule basis


momentous events – eminent figures

Wojciech Urbański, Jerzy Hickiewicz, Piotr Rataj, Piotr Szymczak
Phenomenon of the Electricity Act of 1922 – an excellent legislative act of the reborn Republic of Poland



The XL General Assembly of Delegates of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers has gone down in history


Bogumił Dudek
The ENERGETAB’2022 International Fair was a success

Bogumił Dudek
The library of work techniques under voltage at ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA is being completed



Stefan Paszek
Prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Pasko (26th March 1946 – 22nd September 2022)



Stefan Gierlotka
Power engineering in Venezuela



Bogumił Dudek
Turbulence and Borromean rings





Karolina Kochanowska, Maksymilian Przygrodzki
The long-term analysis of energy mix scenarios against the background of renewable energy sources development
Carried out is the synthesis of chosen energy mix prognoses and presented is a view on the future price of electric energy built on the basis of the available long-term prognoses while participation of renewable energy sources becomes here the distinguished shaping element. The article consists of three parts. In the first one the notion of energy mix is presented together with factors that affect it. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of selected documents containing the prognosis of a long-term energy mix and a future price of the energy. Analysed are assumptions and methodologies of conducting the prognoses. In the last part a synthesis of the prognoses’ results is carried out and made is a comparison of energy prices against the background of renewable energy sources development.
Keywords: renewable energy sources, energy mix, electric energy price, long-term prognosis


Lucyna Więcław–Solny, Jarosław Zuwała, Henryk Majchrzak
CO2 capture in power and chemical industry and its further use – an important theme of the World Energy Council Conference 2022
One of the key challenges to be faced by majority of energy sector entities is lowering of costs connected with CO2 emission reduction. And to this problem was devoted a conference entitled “Problems with CO2 in commercial power generation – possibilities of costs and environmental impact reduction” held on 27 January 2022 by the Polish Committee of the World Energy Council. The paper, presented during this conference by Prof. Jarosław Zuwała, described practical experience gathered in the field of CCUS technology and a significant part of it concerned the key aspect connected with possibility of efficient use of CO2 in various branches of industry and services. All these issues were discussed in detail in the article.
Keywords: CO2 emission reduction, costs and environmental impact reduction, Polish Committee of the World Energy Council, efficient use of CO2 in various branches of industry and services


Ludwik Kosyrczyk, Michał Rejdak, Dariusz Pietrzyk
An innovative renovation of the coke oven battery heating walls heads with the use of amorphous silica
The article describes the most important issues related to the implementation of selected methods of renovation of heating walls of a coke oven battery. Their advantages and disadvantages have been shown. A new, realized concept of renovation of the head part of walls with partial use of amorphous silica was presented. At the same time, this concept may contribute to the design of new batteries with a lining of the head part made of a material with different expansion compared to traditional silica, but resistant to temperature shocks.
Keywords: methods of renovation, heating walls heads, coke oven battery


Lucyna Więcław–Solny, Aleksander Krótki, Tomasz Spietz
Biogas as a source of biomethane – the studies on biogas separation process using the pressure swing adsorption method (PSA)
The article presents issues related to the possibility of obtaining biomethane from biogas. The characteristics of the biogas sector are presented, taking into account the production of potential of domestic biogas plants. The paper presents preliminary results of the biomethane separation process using the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) method.
Keywords: biogas, biomethan, gas separation method, Pressure Swing Adsorption – PSA


Jarosław Wiater
Problems with surge protection of electrical and electronic devices equipped with SPD and aged on a schedule basis
In case of electrical and electronic devices it is the lack of energy coordination between external and internal elements and devices for surge protection (SPD) that is used for their artificial ageing. Analysed is the most frequently encountered and used system consisting of a varistor surge arrester and a device subjected to protection, meeting requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility directive (bearing the mark CE). Results of the presented examinations show clearly that the surge protection efficiency without taking into account the problem of SPD energy coordination with the protected device is insufficient but encourages maintenance of the production at the time when the consumer goods market is becoming more and more saturated.
Keywords: surge protection, energy coordination between external and internal elements and devices for surge protection (SPD)


Wojciech Urbański, Jerzy Hickiewicz, Piotr Rataj, Piotr Szymczak
Phenomenon of the Electricity Act of 1922 – an excellent legislative act of the reborn Republic of Poland
Presented are legal values of the Electricity Act adopted by the Legislative Parliament of the Republic of Poland on 21st March 1922, at the background of political and economic situation of the country and a few years after the hard-won independence. The text of this article is not only a formal analysis of the Electricity Act substantive content – it also shows the genesis of this important legal act and its considerable impact on economic life in pre- and post-war Poland. Moreover, in quotations there is preserved the original spelling which was in force at that time in Poland.
Keywords: Electricity Act of 21st March 1922, genesis of the Act, substantive content of the Act


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