November 2024, Issue 11 (845)




Tomasz Spietz, Sławomir Stelmach, Szymon Dobras
CO2 absorption studies using aqueous solutions of humic acid salts

Izabela Mazur, Nina Bątorek-Giesa, Edyta Misztal
Chemometrics and analytical techniques – tools for the detection of illegal incineration and co-incineration of waste in domestic boilers


Marek Tengler
Strategies for the Compliance: Contemporary Approaches to Equipment Qualification of Safety Related Systems for New Build Nuclear Facilities



Sławomir Banaszek
The vibration resistance tests in the context of use in nuclear power plants and seismic areas

Ryszard Bartnik, Zdzisław Kabza
Could hydrogen and ammonia become fuels in future power industry?

Stanislav Veselý
Reduction of pollutant emissions when combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, carbon and hydrogen with dry air

Robert Pała, Ihor Dzioba, Piotr Furmańczyk
Microstructure and mechanical properties of G17CrMo5-5 cast steel



Michał Zając
Programmable Logic Controller – ET-DCS

Stanisław Sokołowski
Methods of ensuring resilience to disruptions in the operation of network infrastructure

Waldemar Chmielak, Dariusz Sajewicz
A unique method for detection, registration and two‑stage elimination of the ferroresonance phenomenon



Sławomir Cieślik
Association of Polish Electrical Engineers we are


Bogumił Dudek
The 37th edition of the Bielsko-Biała International Energy Fair ENERGETAB is behind us




Tomasz Spietz, Sławomir Stelmach, Szymon Dobras
CO2 absorption studies using aqueous solutions of humic acid salts
The study explores the absorption of CO2 using aqueous solutions of humic acid salts. It investigates the potential of potassium (HmK) and ammonium (HmA) salts in capturing CO2 from synthetic flue gases containing approximately 14% v/v CO2. The results showed that while humic acid salts demonstrate a relatively low absorption capacity compared to commonly used amine solutions (e.g., MEA), they offer environmental benefits. Unlike amine solutions, humic acid salts do not require regeneration post-absorption, and the saturated solutions can potentially be used in agriculture as organic fertilizers. This research suggests that humic substances could play a role in CO2 capture, although their efficiency needs improvement, potentially through the use of additives to enhance absorption rates and reduce foaming.


Izabela Mazur, Nina Bątorek-Giesa, Edyta Misztal
Chemometrics and analytical techniques – tools for the detection of illegal incineration and co-incineration of waste in domestic boilers
At the Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology, an innovative classification algorithm has been developed to detect illegal waste combustion in domestic furnaces. This algorithm uses advanced chemometric and analytical techniques, such as Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WD-XRF), to precisely identify samples originating from waste combustion. By applying principal component analysis (PCA) and classification and regression tree methods (C&RT), it enables the classification of samples based on their chemical composition. The algorithm has been validated on numerous samples and is an effective tool in combating illegal waste combustion, supporting environmental protection efforts.


Marek Tengler
Strategies for the Compliance: Contemporary Approaches to Equipment Qualification of Safety Related Systems for New Build Nuclear Facilities
This article addresses modern strategies for equipment qualification (EQ) in safety-related systems within nuclear facilities, focusing on ensuring reliability under harsh conditions, including seismic events, extreme temperatures, and radiation exposure. Equipment qualification is crucial in industries where failure could lead to catastrophic consequences. Contemporary approaches emphasize a risk-informed methodology, leveraging advanced simulation tools, modular design, continuous monitoring, and life-cycle-based qualification to optimize both safety and efficiency. Compliance with international standards, enhanced documentation, and robust supply chain management are critical for meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring long-term reliability. By adopting digital innovations, collaborative frameworks, and resilient design principles, nuclear facilities can better align with evolving safety standards while ensuring the functionality and safety of equipment in critical systems.


Sławomir Banaszek
The vibration resistance tests in the context of use in nuclear power plants and seismic areas
The article presents issues related to the performance of seismic resistance tests at the Dynamic Research Laboratory of Maritime Advanced Research Centre (CTO S.A.) in Gdańsk. As an example of research, the course of research on the elements of the fire protection system of a nuclear power plant was presented in a synthetic manner.


Ryszard Bartnik, Zdzisław Kabza
Could hydrogen and ammonia become fuels in future power industry?
Hydrogen and ammonia have to be produced because they are not found in a free state in nature! Thus, the question to be answered is, whether hydrogen and ammonia power generation makes sense? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to look at the stoichiometry of hydrogen and ammonia production.


Stanislav Veselý
Reduction of pollutant emissions when combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, carbon and hydrogen with dry air
The author presents a method of reducing pollutant emissions that arise during the operation of natural gas combustion turbines, namely NOx and CO emissions. Two methods of combustion in combustion chambers are presented, i.e. diffusion and kinetic, and the achieved results are subsequently presented. Furthermore, the combustion process for non-dissociative combustion of fuels with air is analyzed, while liquid, gaseous and solid fuels are used as fuels. The result is how the type of fuel used affects the formation of CO2, which causes the greenhouse effect. Because the European Commission promotes the growth of the share of ethanol in the fuel for driving cars, planes, ships and other means of transport, the author analyzes the effect of mixing ethanol with gasoline on the formation of CO2.


Robert Pała, Ihor Dzioba, Piotr Furmańczyk
Microstructure and mechanical properties of G17CrMo5-5 cast steel
The article presents the results of tests carried out on the specimens of G17CrMo5-5 cast steel to determine the strength characteristics and fracture toughness. The tests were performed in the temperature range from –80oC to 20oC. The steel was tested in its original state and after modification of rare earth metals. The results obtained indicate an increase in the mechanical characteristics of the steel as a result of the applied modification. The most significant increase was noted for fracture toughness. The reason for this are changes in the microstructure and shape of the inclusion particles in the steel after modification.

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