January 2023, Issue 1 (823)
Iwona Gajda
The 75th anniversary of „Energetyka” monthly magazine
Bogumił Dudek
My contacts with “Energetyką”
Jerzy Hickiewicz, Piotr Rataj, Przemysław Sadłowski
Patron of the Year 2023 of Polish electricians
Professor Tadeusz Malarski (1883–1952)
Piotr Dukalski, Jan Mikoś, Roman Krok
Design of a wheel hub motor for a hybrid delivery van with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tons
Tadeusz Masłowski
Dimensioning of protection zones in practice according to the PN-EN 62305 standard
momentous events – eminent figures
Piotr Rataj, Jerzy Hickiewicz
The beginnings of three-phase alternating current technology in Poland until the end of the 19th century
Bogumił Dudek, Piotr Rajwa
75th anniversary of building the first Polish 220 kV overhead power line Śląsk – Łódź
Wspomnienie o dr. inż. Marianie Mikrucie w 20 lat po śmierci.
Wspomina dr inż. Tomasz Rusek
Bogumił Dudek
Silna bestia
Iwona Gajda
The 75th anniversary of „Energetyka” monthly magazine
Briefly described are the circumstances in which the magazine „Energetyka” was founded and outlined is its history. Since 1994 „Energetyka” has been edited under the auspices of Zarząd Główny Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich (Main Board of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers). Over all years of its existence the editorial office has had its seat in the Upper Silesia. Presented is the person of mgr inż. Józef Michejda, the creator of the magazine, all consecutive editors-in-chief, Chairmen of the Programme Council and Editorial Board co-workers. During these 75 years exactly 822 issues of the magazine have been published in which one can find several tens of thousands of articles placed on about 29 thousand printed pages – it is a vast acquis of more than 3 thousand authors. Contained are also special thanks to all Authors, Readers and Advertisers.
Keywords: „Energetyka” monthly editorial board, 75 years of „Energetyka” monthly history
Jerzy Hickiewicz, Piotr Rataj, Przemysław Sadłowski
Patron of the Year 2023 of Polish electricians Professor Tadeusz Malarski (1883–1952)
The article presents the profile of Prof. Tadeusz Malarski, physicist, radio technician, pioneer of radio engineering in Poland, lecturer at the Lviv and Silesian Polytechnics. He had great contributions to the organization of laboratories, lectures and courses in radio and telecommunications engineering at these universities. Scientifically, he was involved in physics, especially colloids, and radio engineering. During the war with the Bolsheviks, he served in the Polish Army, commanding radiotelegraph units.
Keywords: Tadeusz Malarski, Patron of the Year 2023 of Polish electricians (SEP), Lviv Polytechnic, Silesian University of Technology, radio engineering
Piotr Dukalski, Jan Mikoś, Roman Krok
Design of a wheel hub motor for a hybrid delivery van with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tons
In the article, the authors presented a model of an electric wheel hub motor of a delivery vehicle weighing up to 3.5 tons. The article presents the results of simulating the operation of the motor in a drive consisting of two motors, installed in the rear driving axle of the vehicle. The simulations were carried out for the assumed Artemis Urban driving cycle, which represents the urban cycle, taking into account the average driving dynamics. The calculations were carried out in the Ansys Motor-CAD program, which allows to perform calculations on coupled models of the electromagnetic and thermal circuit. The calculated operating temperatures of individual motor components and operating parameters during the simulation of urban driving are presented.
Keywords: wheel hub motor, permanent magnet motor, electric car, electric drive
Tadeusz Masłowski
Dimensioning of protection zones in practice according to the PN-EN 62305 standard
Described are engineering methods that according to mathematical (numerical and geometric) rules create the way in which a lightning protection system is constructed. Fundamental changes in the currently in force standard PN-EN 62305 consist in introduction of lightning protection levels LPL and application of complete specific lightning protection systems LPS with the aim to reduce physical damages caused to construction facilities by lightning discharges. The present standard adopted dimensioning methods according to the previously applied ones: rolling sphere method, protective angle method and mesh method.
Keywords: PN-EN 62305 standard, dimensioning of protection zones, rolling sphere method, protective angle method, mesh method
Piotr Rataj, Jerzy Hickiewicz
The beginnings of three-phase alternating current technology in Poland until the end of the 19th century
The paper presents three examples of the application of the pioneering technique of three-phase alternating current in the nineteenth century in the Polish territory, then divided into partitions. These were three-phase power plants: at the II Exhibition of Hygiene in Warsaw (1896), in the workshops of the Austro-Hungarian State Railroads in Lviv (1898) and in the oil mine in Boryslav (1897-1898).
Keywords: three-phase current, history of polish electrotechnology, XIX century, Warsaw, Lviv, Boryslav
Bogumił Dudek, Piotr Rajwa
75th anniversary of building the first Polish 220 kV overhead power line Śląsk – Łódź
Commemorated is here the 75th anniversary of the 220 kV voltage implementation in the Polish power industry. It was realised by the way of building the first in the country 220 kV single circuit overhead power line between SE Łagisza – SE Janów called at that time the “Śląsk – Łódź power line”. The decision to build the line had been taken on 11 November 1946 and transmission of energy began already on 30 November 1947. The investor was Centralny Zarząd Energetyki and the contractor Zjednoczenie Energetyczne Okręgu Łódzkiego. The line connected Silesia area with the city of Łódź on the length of 161 km. There were mounted 380 power line pylons and PBE ELBUD installed 90 km of high voltage cables. In the peak period of building there were employed 1370 employees. Continuous maintaining and modernisations of the line still enable its efficient work in the KSE (National Power System).
Keywords: 220 kV overhead power line Śląsk – Łódź, cirumstances of the line construction