April 2024, Issue 4 (838)



Krzysztof Konopka, Zdzisław Konopka
Building of crisis resilience in an electroprosumeric control front-end of the MSME sector
(alternative for the “energy safety”)

Julian Wiatr
Accumulator batteries used in UPS units.
Conditions of safe operation and factors influencing their lifespan

Bogumił Dudek, Stefan Gierlotka
Burns as electrical personnel injuries in Dr. Stanisław Sakiel, M.D., medical and scientific activity

Wojciech Urbański
SCIENCE SCHOOLS – source of development of the discipline ELECTROTECHNICS



Bogumił Dudek
Energy Transformation Academy.
General conference agenda

Bogumił Dudek
Energy Transformation Academy an event in Szczecin.
A voice in the discussion




Krzysztof Konopka, Zdzisław Konopka
Building of crisis resilience in an electroprosumeric control front-end of the MSME sector
(alternative for the “energy safety”)
In an electroprosumeric control front-end, built by a company belonging to the MSME sector and realizing the optimum energy management, presented are results of investigations on the heat aquisition system performed with the help of an inductive boiler as the basic source and the heat recovered from the motor and exhaust gas cooling system of an electric power generating unit being the backup power source. Characterized are the target, the need, perspectives and abilities to build the electroprosumeric crisis resilience in the MSME sector using the described industrial control front-end as a model enabling application of the solution by way of its scaling.


Julian Wiatr
Accumulator batteries used in UPS units.
Conditions of safe operation and factors influencing their lifespan
High requirements concerning reliability of energy supply to mission-critical receivers force designers to project power supply circuits equipped with the UPS. In these units a very important element are accumulator battteries which improperly operated create explosion and electric shock hazards. Presented are here basic operational requirements for accumulator batteries used in UPS units as energy storages.


Bogumił Dudek, Stefan Gierlotka
Burns as electrical personnel injuries in Dr. Stanisław Sakiel, M.D., medical and scientific activity
Narrow domain for electricians are medical efforts in favor of still numerous (though their scale decreases over the years) cases of shocks and burns caused by electric current. Nearly four decades ago the former Department of Work Safety in the Institute for Energy has undertaken a research connected with electrocution accidents, establishing cooperation with Dr. Stanisław Sakiel, M.D., and his team. The effect of these works are the still in use today principles for provision of first aid. The then progress in treatment and development of personal protection equipment dedicated to electricians exposed to the risk of electrocution was a pioneer period. The established – after many years of practice – Centrum Leczenia Oparzeń (Burn Treatment Center) in Siemianowice Śląskie is named after Dr. Stanisław Sakiel (1926-2013).


Wojciech Urbański
SCIENCE SCHOOLS – source of development of the discipline ELECTROTECHNICS
The functioning in general circulation term science school was here subject to critical analysis. Shown are examples of using this expression both in common language and in scientific publications. Lack of precision in this regard leads to confusions and misinterpretation of results of research carried on by university centres and Academy of Sciences. In case of production of official documents it is recommended to use one of the three terms prioritising the real range and research achievements of scientific institutions i.e. science school, scientific team and study group. Presented are examples of proper use ot these terms regarding the above three formations functioning within the discipline ELEKTROTECHNICS and substantively closely linked to power engineering.

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